30 Lessons I learned in 30 Years

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30 Lessons I learned in 30 Years

I’ve been working on this post since Sept 2018, when I turned 30. I had every intention of posting it back then, but…. I didn’t. I’m still in my 30th year though, so I’ll consider myself fashionably late to the party. 🙂

Was anyone else super excited to turn 30? or are you looking forward to it? I was STOKED! I felt like my 20’s were filled with hard learned lessons and I couldn’t wait to leave that decade behind!

Although I am FAR from knowing everything, I felt like it was important to reflect on the lessons I’ve learned thus far, and of course, I love sharing them with you. In no way have I perfected any of these lessons, that’s not the point; but I have learned/become aware of  them and will continue to work on improving on each one of these as life goes on. I hope one of these lessons will resonate with you ♥

  1. I am perfectly imperfect.
  2. Healthy boundaries do not mean I do not love and care; they are actual indications of love and care for myself, as well as others.
  3. I am not responsible for managing others feelings nor can I control their reactions. I am responsible for my own feelings and reactions.
  4. Trust my gut, even if I can’t explain it in the moment. This took me way too long to figure out, and even still I struggle with self-doubt. However, I remember all the times it has proven true and I can trust that it’s actually a nudging from the Holy Spirit.
  5. I need Jesus. Always will; whether life is up or down – I NEED HIM.
  6. Removing toxic or unhealthy people from my life is not mean. Even if I love them, I can love them from afar. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says “bad company corrupts good morals”. Proverbs 4:23 says “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Also see lesson #2 on Healthy boundaries.
  7. I cannot change people, only Jesus can.
  8. It does actually “take a village” when raising your children; I am so thankful for mine.
  9. God’s plan is ALWAYS better than my own. Friend, It’s never too late to surrender control of your life to Him.
  10. God’s timing is always perfect. He sees the big picture. He knows all the moving pieces. He knows what prep work needs to take place for that “thing” to work out in the best way possible. What I may view as a delay or rejection of what I wanted, is very likely for my protection. Be patient. Be hopeful for what I ask, but have an open heart to allow God’s will to unfold.
  11. Embrace my story rather than feel ashamed about it. I am who I am today because of the experiences I’ve gone through.
  12. Being a parent is truly the greatest, most challenging gift. It has stretched and lengthened me in ways I never could have imagined and am so thankful for.
  13. Do not date or marry to avoid being lonely or because you are afraid you’ll never find someone better. That relationship will not only affect you but has the potential to affect generations following you. And more importantly, those feelings are lies: You are NOT alone and God’s plan for you will never be mediocre.
  14. Jesus forgives AND redeems. He can and will turn your whole life around when you hand it over to Him. He redeemed my life after I made one poor choice after another; He will break chains for future generations. Thank goodness.
  15. No matter what, live in the light. Make the right choices despite what others are doing or have done to me. It is not my responsibility to “stick it” to anyone or teach them a lesson.
  16. I am responsible for how I allow myself to be treated. See Lesson 6
  17. I am strong and I can do hard things with God by my side.
  18. When an idea or thought continues to enter my mind, create the space needed to process it; there is something there for me to discover or learn from. Don’t stuff it.
  19. Cherish friends who challenge me, are lovingly honest, and love to be silly.
  20. Don’t fall in love with what-could-be. It’s good to see potential but don’t simultaneously ignore the reality in front of me.
  21. Some friends are only for a season.
  22. Some friends, were never really friends to begin with. Be mindful of who is in your sphere of influence and exercise wisdom – See lessons 4 & 6.
  23. There is meaning in what I have gone through. God will redeem my life when I turn towards Him and will work miracles through my story.
  24. Be intentional with my time.
  25. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  26. Remember this: whomever you chose to be intimate with, you could be connect to that person for the rest of your life. Sex brings about children and that will tie you to someone MUCH longer than 18 years. Do you want to be with this person forever?
  27. Social Media is equal parts good and bad. I’m learning to manage how much time I spend on it and make sure to take social media breaks every once in a while.
  28. Most days the dishes and laundry can wait. My kids won’t remember the mess; they will remember how much time I spent snuggling them, braiding toy horse hair, playing hide n’ seek, and watching fashion shows. Clean homes are good, but showing my children that they are loved, valued, and important is
  29. Have a plan, but also be open and flexible for what God has for you.
  30. I still have so much to learn.

What are some lessons you have learned over the course of your life? I would love for you to share by commenting below ♥

Learning & Living,

Christine Renee

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