Do You See What I See?

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Do You See What I See?

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

What do you see in this photo? Sheer beauty. Though this photo is likely not an all-encompassing portrayal of the true beauty you might experience first-hand. God created this. He molded every portion of it long ago and orchestrated all that has changed and shifted it since then. There are breath-taking mountain sides, clear waters, blue skies, and fluffy clouds. There are also cliffs, valleys, bare spots, and a few gray clouds – “imperfections” you might say. Yet we consider these things contributions to its beauty, not really imperfections; we still look at it in awe and believe that there must be a God. It’s the only explanation to something so grand, so whimsical, and so unique.

You too are this way.

Molded by the same Creator who pulled mountains up out of the earth and who carefully placed the stars in the sky. God saw a need for you in this world, and so He uniquely design and carefully placed you in this world to fulfill a special purpose. God, who created this breathtaking view in the photo above, created you, and you my dear are no different.

We see this truth over and over again in scriptures. The Message version of Psalm 139 verse 13 – 16 is one of my favorites

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb… You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

You see, God chose to create you. You were carefully thought out and created with great intention. Yes, my friend, you. Say it out loud “God chose me.” Let that sink in for a moment. God knew who you would be – the days of your “life all prepared before [you] even lived one day.” He knows your weaknesses and strengths. And still, God created and chose you to fulfill a special purpose in life: to share His saving grace and goodness with others and invite them into relationship with Him. We each have our own unique way of fulfilling this purpose. Even with the knowledge that we undoubtedly would fall short of perfection, God created us so that we would come into relationship with Him and be a vessel for His love and display His glory.

Just as the mountains and valleys were formed by storms, floods, earth quakes, wind, and rain; so we also are shaped by the elements of our lives.

Just as the mountains stand tall, magnificently showing off all that has shaped them and displaying God’s glory; we too can stand tall, for all that has shaped us is a display of the glory of God to others.

Just as every mountain peak is distinct in its design, none just like another; yet all are beautiful in their own unique way. So we are unique in our design and nonetheless beautiful. Not one other person is like each one of us, and yet we are all uniquely beautiful. There are tasks we can complete, people we can reach, words we can speak or write unlike anyone else.

It is my prayer that you will rest in this wonderful truth as I am learning to do. You may find after reading these words you’re still struggling with thoughts like “yeah, that’s all nice and stuff, but I still don’t know what I could possibly have to offer, especially after what I’ve done/said/thought.” Well friend, don’t fret. There is someone who not only knows what you have to offer (because He placed it within you), but He can redeem and turn into good what was meant for evil; you need only draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you and guide you along the right path ♥

As a recovering perfectionist, this message is as much for me as it is for you. When I initially saw the above photo, God whispered to me “Why is it that you see beauty in this but not always yourself? Do you not know that you are created in My image? I planned every intricate detail of you and I do not make mistakes. I redeem. I turn messes into messages and pain into purpose.”  It’s often from these whispers that write, and I pray that God will use these words as a vessel to reach someone who may not always hear His direct whispers; for I know that surely I am not alone in these feelings.

Heavenly Father, thank you for so intentionally creating and loving me.
I’m not worthy of your glory, goodness, and redemption;
 yet you freely give it to me! Lord, just as you crafted the
Mountains and placed the stars in the sky, so you carefully designed me.
Help me to see myself as you see me; to see beauty in the broken. 
Help me to rest in Your truths and bring glory to your name!

From a unique, purpose-filled heart,





One thought on “Do You See What I See?

  1. Beautiful. You’re definitely not the o lot one who needs these reminders. Praise God he makes beauty out of mess. ❤️

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