I See You

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I See You

Often when people think of abuse, they imagine it in the physical form (black eyes, broken bones, bruises, etc.); however, there are other forms of abuse that are less obvious, sometimes even to the person experiencing it. Emotional, verbal, mental, and financial abuse are all forms of abuse that are often more difficult to detect, are easier for abusers to hide, and difficult for victims to expose.⁣ These forms of abuse can carry just as damaging effects as physical abuse and may eventually lead to physical abuse down the road.⁣

To the person who has experienced hidden abuse, this is for you

I see you.⁣

Your truths are real. You are not overreacting.⁣
You are not “just emotional”. You are not crazy.⁣
You are not dumb. You are not weak.⁣
You do not deserve this.⁣

You are worthy. You are strong.⁣

You cannot change them.⁣
This behavior is not normal.⁣
You are not responsible for their actions.⁣

It’s not your fault.⁣

You may feel alone as you harbor this secret;⁣
Living behind a mask. Afraid to tell anyone
because it may prompt action on your part.⁣
Maybe you’re not ready for that. Maybe you are.⁣

You are not alone.

There are safe & trustworthy people in the world.⁣
There are people willing & able to support you right where you are.⁣
No matter how long it’s been or how many times you went back,⁣
It’s never too late to leave.⁣

There is hope.

Leaving them will be hard. Crazy hard.⁣
You will be afraid; but don’t let that stop you.⁣
I know you’ve endured so much already, but you can rest in this truth:⁣
The pain of healing is different from what you’ve endured in the past.⁣
If you allow it, this pain will bring healing, wholeness, & hope.⁣
It will revive the light inside you. It will give you new life.⁣

There is redemption.

It’s not your fault. You are not alone.⁣
There is hope. There is healing.⁣
You are worthy. You are strong.⁣

I see you.⁣
God sees you;⁣
He is with you.♥⁣

He reached down from on high and took hold of me;⁣
He drew me out of deep waters.⁣
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,⁣
from my foes, who were too strong for me.⁣
They confronted me in the day of my disaster,⁣
but the Lord was my support.⁣
He brought me out into a spacious place;⁣
He rescued me because he delighted in me.⁣

Psalm 18: 16-18 (NLT)⁣

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, please visit the below resources for more information and support:⁣



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