Peach Momma + Brown Babies

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Peach Momma + Brown Babies

I’ve been rumbling these thoughts around in my mind for some time. I always thought it’d be in the form of a written blog post, but today I’m bringing a video to the blog.

If you’ve asked yourself “what steps can I take to help in this fight against racism?”, I hope you take time to listen. If you’ve never asked yourself that, you should most definitely listen. ⁣⁣

Even as someone who is a peach momma to brown beauties, I’ve discovered blind spots of my own. We all have them. Having biracial children, black friends, black coworkers, a black preacher, etc. does not preclude you from having blind spots. We also have a responsibility to explore and learn where those blind spots are, and then be willing to see what we didn’t see before. ⁣⁣

I encourage you to be open to unlearning some incorrect things you were taught (directly or indirectly), to exploring where you have blind spots, and to dedicate yourselves to learning about and understanding the experiences of brothers and sisters who are suffering. ⁣⁣

If you have a resource you’ve tapped into that’s helped you in taking steps to fight racism, please share in the comments below ♥️ ⁣

If you feel lead to, please share this post.

Peach Momma + Brown Babies

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