Where There’s a Shadow, There is Light

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Where There’s a Shadow, There is Light

You’ve probably been told many times throughout your life to “count your blessings” or “be thankful for what you have.” Easy enough when life is going well- Secure finances, healthy body, successful career, great friends, super relationship, etc.. But what about when tough times come and seem to overshadow everything, do you struggle to have a spirit of gratitude, joy, peace? I’ll go first and admit I struggle with this sometimes. If I’m not careful, I can become focused on what going “wrong” in my life and allow it to overshadow all that is good. It then manifests into anxiety, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, negative self talk…. I imagine you have also experienced this before, maybe even right now. Perhaps it manifests into something different for you: depression, hopelessness, physical sickness, frustration, isolation, anger, overextending yourself, busy-ness, lack of self-care, etc.

Dear Friend, if you are focusing on the shadow, I’m here to share the truth that there is another view available (and it’s WAY better). But you must make the choice to shift your focus. Going back to science 101 for a moment: Where there is a shadow, there must also be light, right? And if you are staring at your shadow, then your back is to the light. But what if you turned around? What if you made the shift away from the dark to focus on the light? Yes, the shadow will still be there, but your focus will be on something better. No, some ONE better. The One that works on our behalf, who is constant, and loves us without fail. THE Light – Jesus.

Let me share a little something with you… Since I decided 2 years ago to leave an abusive/toxic relationship, I have been told by people that they admire my strength to leave and the grace in which I am navigating this season of life (btw – yours is a season too – nothing is forever). The last thing I want is for someone to have a misconception that I’m making it through all this on my own accord or without struggle. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are times in this season in which I am not the smiley, bubbly, happy Christine most people see. I don’t say all of this to seek pity but rather to let you know that you are not alone in the struggle.  We all have bad days but I’ve come to learn that doesn’t mean you have to stay there. We can turn it around by choosing to focus on a God who is much bigger than our problems. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit – this is my source of strength and grace that so many people witness. Every day, hour, minute we have a choice on where we place our focus and from whom we draw strength. Where is your focus? Where do your thoughts take you?

Philippians 4: 6-8 (NLT) says this…

Don’t worry about anything [that means nothing, zilch, nada*]; instead pray about everything [that means every. single. thing.*]. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all that He’s done. THEN you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus….Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

*added for emphasis

From the very first day I read this verse, I began to practice it in my life. I mean, the man who wrote these very words was writing them from a prison cell, yet he was fully experiencing God’s peace. Obviously he must know a thing or two about finding peace in times of despair. In practicing this, I have experienced this peace in times that typically would have me feeling anything but peaceful.

In October of 2016 I found myself in a situation in which my girls and I had to move with seemingly no place to go – BUT GOD. He knew where life would take me and 4 years prior to this situation, He blessed me with a friend who would end up opening up her town home (along with her husband & 2 small kids) to me and my girls without knowing how long we’d need to stay. How easily I could have decided to focus on the shadow, the negatives of this situation (there were a lot!). Instead, I made a choice. Everyday I chose to dig deeper into His word and from it I drew life and strength. It opened up my eyes and shifted my focus to all that God had provided – I was delivered, free, we had a safe place to stay, we were healthy, we had people who loved and cared about us, and we had each other. In these moments of despair, Jesus is my light. He gives me hope. He gives me strength. God says that He works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) and now, nearly 1.5 years later I have experienced this truth time and time again. And it is in that truth that I find rest, because my God is constant, I know he will do it again!

I’m not here to tell you that life will be peachy if you just have happy thoughts, my life is still full of chaos. But through and with Jesus, I have peace in knowing he will overcome everytime!

Jesus is inviting you to live in this truth too – will you accept?


Reigning in His strength,






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